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Man Booking Hearing Care Appointment

Free Mini Hearing Check

We have teamed up with The Hearing Care Partnership to offer hearing care in each of our practices. The free mini hearing assessment is a short appointment to check your level of hearing. Our hearing health care expert will then advise you whether further investigation and hearing aids would be helpful. Contact us to book an appointment.

Woman Treated for Hearing Health Care

Free Full Hearing Care Assessment

This is an indepth assessment of your hearing. We firstly have a remote consultation to discuss your hearing challenges and needs, and learn about your background history. We then invite you to the practice for the in-depth hearing assessment. We aim to fit you with the perfect hearing aid for your needs at this visit. Any fine tuning of the hearing aid can be done remotely. We are always available for any questions and all follow up hearing care. This can be conducted on a home visit. Contact us to book at appointment.

People in meeting - Excellent hearing is important

Ear Wax Removal

Ear wax is produced by your ears and contains dead skin cells, dust, debris and oil. It also contains some antibacterial agents and helps keep the ears clean and moisturised.

However, it can sometimes build up over time and block your ears, causing hearing loss, rininging and occasional pain.

We use the latest technology to analyse your hearing and examine your ears. We then remove the wax as needed using a Jobson Horne (long thin stick with a small loop), microsuction, or water irrigation. We recommend you use wax softening drops such as olive oil every day for a week before your appointment, so the wax can be removed easily and comfortably.

A comprehensive consultation, assessment and ear wax removal costs £95. Contact us to book an appointment.

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